Watch "halter" really so beautiful?

Multi-rolex replica watches consumers to buy mechanical fake watches are like with the back through the. The same situation I have, so always with the Rolex missed. But in fact too much attention to the bottom or not is not right, feeling contrary to the original intention, a bit the meaning of the cart before the horse. \ Buy the watch after all, in order to see the time, even when a "business card", only to the dial to the outsiders to see. Watches, after all, is a relatively personal items, do not you under the crowd to others to see it? So, the movement is exposed, most of the individual for the buyer and prepared, with the exchange between the most used. You say you do not understand the people to see, in addition to the word "ZB" in addition to the evaluation, you can get what? \ Indeed, many high-end brand watch movement to the United States to burst, and therefore bring a higher price. For example, some hand movement on the watch, the disk is a simple three-pin or a small three-pin, the price is as high as more than 100,000 If it is the top hand to create the watch, hundreds of thousands still some people rush. Buy such a watch of people, many are in pursuit of art and movement of the ultimate process, represents a taste of life. But he is not the most mainstream watch consumer market. \ The mainstream market has never been a luxury level, non-luxury level watch movement, the movement is not how pleasing, through the bottom is only a value-added, the role is icing on the cake. Brand is usually put in the Department of martial arts, decorated some of their own characteristics, put a LOGO that identity. The rest of the place, compared to the higher movement is rough, the portal is very easy to be tempted, but really can not look. Therefore, the bottom should not be the main factor in the purchase of the watch. Buy the watch should be more concerned about the positive, concerned about the function, concerned about the level of movement. It is not so important at all. Rolex is not through, it did not block it to become the most valuable watch brand.